Yog Shaastra
Sapt Chakras

3d chakr 01

The seven main centers of cosmic consciousness in the body are known as Saptchakra. The cosmic energy is attracted by the subtle body or aura as per the requirement of the body. The same is absorbed as per the capacity of the Chakras.

The physical body is covered by the subtle body to provide the necessary cosmic energy or the Panchpranas to every cell. Numerous Nadis continuously transport the Panchpranas obtained from nature. The energy of Panchtattvas coming from the Nadis is collated in specific centers. These are known as Chakras. After processing the energy, specific Chakras provide specific Tattvas to the body.

Sapt Chakras

Root Chakra

Muladhar Chakra

This lies at the base of the spinal cord and is represented by red colour. ..

Sex Chakra

Swadhishthan Chakra

It is located near the reproductive organ. It is represented by...

Navel Chakra

Manipur Chakra

It is located on the navel and is represented by orange-yellow...

Heart Chakra

Anahat Chakra

It is located in the centre of the chest near the heart. It is represented by green colour...

Throat Chakra

Vishuddh Chakra

It is located in the throat and is represented by blue colour...

Third Eye Chakra

Adnya Chakra

It is located in between the two eyebrows. It is the centre of the power of the mind...

crown chakra final

Sahasrar Chakra

It is located at the Brahmarandhra or above the top of the head.

The following scriptures are included in the Panchatattva balance in self-healing

अध्यात्मशास्त्र 01

Spiritual science – Sapt Kosh

Spiritual science is not merely some practice or pursuit...

Naturopathy icon 01


The world of nature is made up of the five basic elements. Tatva is a rule....


Nadis and Chakras

There is description in Yog Shaastra about the presence of seven....


The Science of Mudra

The word Mudra is derived from the Samskrut root word...



One’s thoughts and utterances travel in the form of vibrations and continue to exist ....


Akshar Brahma

Kshr implies perishable and that which does not perish is Akshar.It is the eternal.....

Where there are problems, There are solutions too ! Where there is fear,
There is Courage too!

Niraamay for a healthy and happy life!