According to Taittiriya Upanishad, the entire manifest world is made up of the Panchtatvas. The five elements are all pervading in energy form, viz. Zero energy, wind energy, Sun’s energy, water energy and land energy. According to the science explained in Vedant, every element is made up of 50% of its own properties and 12.5% each of the other four elements. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; but just transformed. As the proportion of an element changes, its structure in nature undergoes a change.
For instance, as the fire element in water increases, its inherent water element reduces and it gets converted into gaseous form (vapour). Conversely, as the fire element in water decreases, the earth element in it increases and it gets transformed into ice. Again, as the water element in vapour increases, and as the fire element in ice increases, they get converted back into water.
Human body is also made up of the five elements. An imbalance in them leads to an imbalance in Doshas and disease. Swayampurn Upchar works on balancing the five elements in the body. The required energy is provided to the body from nature and the excess accumulated energy is released back into nature. This reestablishes balance in the elements in the body resulting in a state of health.