20 Mudra - For A healthy and happy life

Method –
Join the tips of the thumb and index finger with little pressure and let the other fingers remain straight. This Mudra should be performed for at least 15 minutes.Thumb represents Agnitatva, while index finger represents Vayutatva. Unsteadiness of mind indicates Vayu. Thumb is considered to be the seat of the intellect. Therefore, when the tips of the thumb and index finger are joined, Vayutatva and Agnitatva merge, which enables peace of mind. This positively impacts the nervous system.
This neutralizes the stress and pacifies the anger. A feeling of happiness is generated. It enhances memory and concentration. The brain gets refreshed and nerves are strengthened. This has beneficial effects in diseases such as chorea, facial paralysis and paralysis. It establishes control over mind and emotions. The structure of hormone secreting glands is well regulated.The efficiency of pituitary and thyroid glands improves. This Mudra is beneficial in mental problems such as laziness, loss of memory, agitation, fear, low self-esteem and depression. This Mudra also helps in regaining sleep in the event of insomnia.
Akash Mudra
Join the tips of the middle finger and thumb with little pressure and let the other fingers remain straight. This Mudra can be repeated any number of times.
This Mudra is beneficial in case of diseases associated with cavities in the body, which are caused by imbalance in Akashtatva, which is represented by the middle finger. This Mudra helps in Dhyan (meditation). It purifies emotions and thoughts.
It is beneficial in case of migraine and any pain in the head. It helps in curing the contagious diseases of the ears and chest. Bones are strengthened. It alleviates the pain associated with heart disease, regulates heartbeats and controls high blood pressure. However, people whose hearts have expanded should not perform this Mudra.

Method –
Join the tips of the ring finger and thumb with little pressure and let the other fingers remain straight.
The thumb represents Agnitatva, while ring finger represents Pruthvitatva. The latter primarily exists in bones, muscles, cartilages, skin and fat. This Mudra imparts strength to the body. It balances the above two Tatvas in the body. It is also known as Agnishamak Mudra.
This Mudra enhances the life energy. It imparts strength to weakened hands and feet and other organs weakened in diseases such as paralysis. It helps in strengthening worn out bones and helps in quickly fusing broken bones. It helps in the healing of wounds and gaining weight. It increases tolerance levels. Skin becomes healthy and glows. This Mudra is also beneficial in problems such as fair fall and premature graying. For this Pruthvi Mudra should be followed by Pran Mudra.
Varun Mudra
Method –
Join the tips of the little finger and thumb with little pressure and let the other fingers gently remain straight. This Mudra represents Jaltatva. It aids in excretion by improving the functioning of the concerned organs. This Mudra can be performed anywhere, anytime and can be repeated.
This aids in curing any kind of skin disorders such as dry skin, cracks and burns. It reduces excess Pitta Dosha and regains the taste in the mouth. It enables proper urination. It cures the joint pain arising out of reduced lubrication and the wear and tear of bones. It is helpful in blood purification. It also helps in dry eyes, dry cough and dryness in the digestive tract. It is beneficial in diseases such as gastro.

Among the Panch Pran (the five types of life energy), the Vayu (air element) known as Pran, is active in the chest region, between the vocal cords and the diaphragm. It energizes the heart and lungs. It is the energy that enables inhalation.
Join the tips of the little and ring fingers with the tip of the thumb.Our body is primarily made up of the Pruthvi Tatva (earth element) and the Jal Tatva (water element). Joining the tips of the above fingers brings better coordination between these elements. This Mudra creates a powerful flow of energy because of the coming together of Pruthvi, Jal and Agni (represented by the thumb).While curing any disease, Pran Mudra complements the practice of any other Mudra.
• Removes chronic fatigue, weakness and intolerance – Improves immunity
• Removes mental stress, anger, restlessness, jealousy, pride and irritability
• Helps cure obstructions and burning while urinating
• Helps improve the health of eyes by curing burning, red and dry eyes, cataract and other eye ailments
• Effective on dry, red, wrinkled, and inflamed skin, rash, reddish marks and leprosy
• Improves circulation by removing the blockages and impurity in the blood vessels
Apan Mudra
Among the Panch Pran, the Vayu known as Apan is active in the region of lower abdomen below the navel. It energizes the large intestine, kidneys, anus and reproductive organs. It enables excretion of waste products from the body.
Join the tips of the middle and ring fingers with the tip of the thumb.The middle finger represents the Akash Tatva (space element), the ring finger represents the Pruthvi Tatva (earth element) and the thumb represents the Agni Tatva (fire element). It brings coordination among all these three elements.
• Regularizes the ejection of feces, urine, ova, sperms and intestinal gases
• Controls stomach problems such as stomachache, vomiting, hiccups and restlessness
• Stops toothache and improves their health
• Controls diabetes (also perform the Pran Mudra after this)
• Daily practice for 10 minutes for a month before the date of delivery helps in a painless and safe delivery

To enable smooth functioning of all organs
Join the tips of all fingers of both hands and turn them towards the sky. This balances the Panchtatvas.
Among the Panchpran, Saman is active in the region of the heart and navel. It provides energy to liver, intestines, stomach and pancreas. Its main functions include regulation and activation of the digestion process, and absorption and distribution of nutrients to the body. This Mudra balances the Panchtatvas leading to overall wellness.
Udan Mudra
Among the Panch Pran, the Vayu known as Udan is active in the region between the eyes and the throat. The Adnya Chakra and the Vishuddh Chakra in the subtle body are located here. It activates the sense organs of eyes, tongue, nose and ears, and the mind.
Gently press the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb. Place the tip of the middle finger on the nail of the index finger. Let the other two fingers remain straight.The index finger represents the Vayu Tatva (air element), the middle finger represents the Akash Tatva (air element) and the thumb represents the Agni Tatva (fire element). Keeping the middle finger on the index finger excites the Vayu Tatva charged with Akash Tatva through the medium of Agni Tatva, which brings efficiency to the hollow organs in the body.
• Beneficial for the vocal cords and voice, and removes the shivering and stuttering in the same
• Cures problems associated with the nose and the respiratory system such as loss of smell and breathing difficulties
• Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland

Among the Panch Pran, the Vayu known as Vyan occupies the entire body. It controls and regularizes the movements of the body by travelling through all the vessels. The motion of Vyan determines the blood pressure.
Join the tips of the index and middle fingers to the tip of the thumb.
According to Ayurved the bodily tendency of Vaat is created out of Vayu and Akash Tatvas. This Mudra balances the Vaat in the body.
• Controls and balances high or low blood pressure
• Beneficial in case of mental problems such as lack of initiative and enthusiasm, slow thought process and low grasping power
• Beneficial in problems of drowsiness and excess sleep
Vayu Mudra
Touch the base of the thumb lightly with the index finger and then gently rest the thumb on the latter. Let the other fingers remain straight.
When Vat get trapped in one part of the body it leads to severe pain. The trapped air element creates obstacles in blood circulation. Vayu Mudra removes the excess air element from the body. With this, blood circulation becomes smooth once again and the pain recedes. Regular practice of Vayu Mudra can help in overcoming ailments connected to Vat Dosh such as chorea, paralysis, cervical spondylitis, and pain the back, legs or knees. Arthritis can be treated with this Mudra. For this, Vayu Mudra should be followed by Varun Mudra and lastly Pran Mudra.

This Mudra can save a person from a heart attack. It is also known as Sanjeevani Mudra since it can revive a dying person. Its effects are immediately visible.
As the name suggests it is a combination of Apan and Vayu Mudras. Touch the base of the thumb with the tip of the index finger, and touch the tip of the former to the tips of the middle and ring fingers.The practice of this Mudra brings the combined benefits of Vayu and Apan Mudras. It releases the accumulated Vayu Tatva from the body, particularly the chest, and improves the blood circulation in the heart. This immediately relieves the pain and heaviness.
• Brings quick relief from pain if practiced immediately after a person starts experiencing symptoms of a heart attack – Removes the excess Vayu Tatva from the stomach – Strengthens the muscles of the heart thereby improving its functioning (The patient experiences yawning and burping after practicing this Mudra, which removes the excess Vayu accumulated in the chest region and brings relief.)
• Helps overcome chest pain, sweating and fatigue – Regularizes irregular heartbeats
• Removes the obstacles in blood circulation
• Calms down the burning sensation arising from excess Pitta formation – Beneficial in case of constipation
• Useful in case of toothache
• Improves the functioning of various organs in the digestive system
Shunya Mudra
Touch the base of the thumb with the middle finger and then gently rest the thumb on the latter.
This Mudra removes the excess Akashtatva in the body. It helps in curing tinnitus, ear ache, deafness and dumbness. It is also beneficial in case of insomnia and in getting rid of numbness in the chest, head and belly. Practicing this Mudra also controls dizziness.

Touch the base of the thumb with the tips of the index and middle fingers, and then gently rest the thumb on them. It is a combination of the Shunya and Vayu Mudras.
It reduces the excessive Akash and Vayu Tatvas.
• Cures insomnia – Improves the power of the mind
• Cures the pain and creaking in the joints
• Helps in overcoming disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, lack of bodily balance, giddiness, vertigo, and irregular and painful menses
• Cures stuttering and hoarseness of voice
• Helps in case of ailments such as severe headache, earache, toothache, sore throat and heel pain, if followed up with Pran Mudra
Surya Mudra
One that reduces obesity This Mudra generates heat in the body in line with the Sun’s nature. This reduces the Pruthvitatva in the body and increases the Agnitatva. This boosts the metabolism in the body.
Touch the base of the thumb with the ring finger and then gently rest the thumb on the latter.Surya Mudra reduces the excess Pruthvitatva in the body and increases Agnitatva. The latter is also connected with sight. Weak people should not perform this Mudra.It balances the body temperature by controlling unwarranted chills and shivering. Disorders associated with cold such as cough, nose congestion, infection or water accumulation in the lungs and asthma. It cures problems such as loss of appetite, indigestion and constipation. Weight gain is regulated due to increased metabolism. It helps to reduce the cholesterol levels in the body. It is also helpful in case of cataract.

Join the base of the thumb with the little finger and then gently rest the thumb on the latter.
The little finger represents Jaltatva. This Mudra regulates the excess water element in the stomach. It removes the excess Jaltatva from the body.It helps in case of liver cirrhosis. In this disease, metabolism slows down since the functioning of the liver is affected. Excess water accumulates in the stomach. The Mudra brings relief in this disease. It also cures the problem of water accumulation in lungs and joints due to infection. It helps overcome inflammation in any part of the body. Elephantiasis is cured. This Mudra also brings relief in case of watery discharge from eyes or nose, dysentery and excessive urination. It regulates the excessive bleeding during menstruation.
Ling Mudra
This Mudra impacts the Agni Tatva (fire element) and helps increase the body temperature. A person suffering from problems such as Pitta imbalance, fever and stomach ulcer should not practice this Mudra.
Interlock the fingers of both hands and let one of the thumbs remain upright. This Mudra triggers the fire element in the body.Since this Mudra increases the body temperature do not practice it for more than 15 minutes at a stretch. Stop practicing it after the underlying problem has been cured.
• Immediately controls hypothermia, common cold arising from weather conditions and shivering
• Cures problems pertaining to excess secretion arising out of wet cough, other cough related ailments, common cold and blocked nose
• Cures ailments such as asthma, cough accumulation in the chest, tuberculosis and water accumulation in the lungs – Enhances the lung capacity
• Cures conditions such as restlessness occurring in an air-conditioned room, extreme chill, shivering and heaviness
• Cures related diseases by increasing the body heat
• Removes unwanted fat
• Helps those who have the Kaph tendency in the body when done in winter – Helps when done for 15 minutes in the morning and evening when suffering from common cold
• Helps in restoring the displaced navel center that causes problems such as indigestion and diarrhea

Wrap the four fingers of the right hand around the thumb of the left hand. Let the four fingers of the left hand stand erect. Rest the upper part of the thumb of the right hand on the tip of the index finger of the left hand. Since, this formation resembles a conch, it is called Shankh Mudra.
• Improves the voice – Helps those who need to talk a lot
• Improves digestion
• Cures constipation and enables smooth motions
• Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland
Sahaj Shankh Mudra
Press both hands by joining them together and interlock the fingers. Let both the thumbs stand up parallel to each other while pressing on the side of the index finger. This is the Sahaj Shankh Mudra. Sit in the Vajrasan (a body pose – Aasanas are the third step of Ashtang Yog) while performing this Mudra.
According to the physiology described in Yog Shaastra, this Mudra enables the smooth flow of life energy in 10 important Nadis (channels in the subtle body for movement of cosmic consciousness). This Mudra strengthens the body. The 10 important Nadis refer to Sushumna, Ida, Pingala, Gandhari, Hastijivha, Pusha, Yashaswini, Alambusa, Kuhu and Shankhini.
• Brings flexibility to the spine and makes it erect – Effective in problems such as slipped disc
• Destroys disorders related to the reproductive system
• Brings relief in problems afflicting the elderly such as some kind of protrusion, and lack of control over urine and stool ejection – Strengthens the anal muscles
• Removes problems such as heaviness in the tongue, faltered speech and unable to utter the first word

Spine is known as Merudand in Samskrut. Practice of this Mudra removes the strain experienced in the back. As a part of this Mudra, both hands are used to make different poses.
Right hand: Join the tips of the middle and little fingers with that of the thumb. Let the ring and index fingers remain straight.Left hand: Place the middle joint of the thumb on the nail of the index finger. Ensure that the tip of the thumb does not touch.This helps to balance the Tatvas of Akash (space) and Jal (water). This enables smooth movement of the vertebrae in the spine with the help of Vayu Tatva (air element). When the tip of the index finger touches the middle joint of the thumb the level of Vayu Tatva is properly maintained.
• Helps in removing the strain and pain in the back arising out of cleaning work, gardening, lifting weights and sitting in front of the computer for long hours
• Regular practice helps in relieving the pain in the back and waist arising out of gaps in the vertebrae, slipped disc, sciatica, etc. (Practice this Mudra daily for 30 minutes followed by 10 minutes of Pran Mudra.)
Dhyan Mudra
Asanas such as Padmasan, Sukhasan or Siddhasan meant for performing Dhyan (meditation in which the mind is fixed on the object of concentration) are appropriate while practicing the Dhyan Mudra. Choose one of these Asanas and place one hand over the other. Let the palms face upward. Once the left hand is placed down it is known as the Bhairavi Mudra, and when we place the right hand on the left palm it is known as the Bhairav Mudra.
Nadi pressure points related to the heart are present on the palm of the hand, while those related to the spinal column are present on the back of the hand. Thus, when we place the back of one hand on the palm of the other, the pressure points of the heart, lungs, pancreas and kidneys are triggered on the hand below, while those of the spine are triggered on the hand above.
• Helps in the spiritual progress of a person, while the Dhyan and the Sadhana (spiritual practice) bring positive thoughts and peace of mind
• Strengthens the muscles and aids in smooth blood circulation
• Helps in becoming free from blood pressure and heart related problems
• Removes worries, hallucinations, bad dreams, loss of memory, irritability and mental depression
• Helps in attaining a condition of joyful bliss and self-confidence