This lies at the base of the spine near the anus facing downward. This Chakra processes the energy in the aura and provides Prutivitattva (earth element) to the body. All the hard things in nature are primarily made up of Pruthvitattva. It imparts specific shape to any object. It plays a major role in the hard parts of the body such as bones, joints, ligaments, skin, hair, teeth, cartilages, and the covering of cells and vessels, and nerves.
Muladhar Chakra provides support to the body. It is represented by red colour. Steadiness is its subtle quality. The efficiency of the body and mind is dependent upon this Chakra. It controls the important bodily functions of immunity, development of new cells, excretion of unwanted material, and production of blood and maintaining its quality. All actions done by a person get stored here in the form of impressions. A person’s independent personality, ability to express oneself, and the attributes of courage and forgiveness emerge out of the powers residing here. A person whose Muladhar Chakra functions efficiently is normally a good decision maker, strong and stout, and displays pragmatic behaviour. When problems arise in the functioning of this Chakra, the body becomes deficient in Pruthvitattva. This leads to brittle bones, erosion of bones, weakening of muscles and vessels, lack of self-confidence and depression. If the Muladhar Chakra becomes hyperactive it leads to problems such as hardening of bones or joints, stiffening of vessels, abnormal growth in bones, excessive confidence and impractical behaviour.
Meditation - Root Chakra
All grains (such as wheat, rice and pulses), all underground tubers (such as carrot and potato), and fleshy and sweet fruits provide Pruthvitattva to the body. Exercises such as squats and half-squats can help in strengthening the Muladhar Chakra.